Acrophobia Ball

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They say that when nothing goes right then go left! It may be true but sometimes it is even necessary to go upwards. This is the very thing that developers of Acrophobia Ball did. They just decided to give you a simple thing which only seems to be so. In reality it's not as easy as you might think. If you have any problems with balancing you will find it difficult to let your ball run without falling down. The difficulty is in the platforms which have such special shapes that you can easily lose the ball in some of the holes or just let it miss the line. And there is one more surprise for you - the action will take place in the sky!
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6 votes Vote

jump button?, would be better with mouse control

msmarada, 09.10.2016, 11:57
0 votes Vote

cant find game once activated

i have downloaded some games and cant find them after activating them. I have windows 10. and using foxfire.
Ellen, 10.10.2016, 02:32